Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

A Beginner's Guide to Stock Photography and Video Modeling

Are you interested in becoming a stock photo model? It can be a tough industry to break into, but if you have the right look, personality, and motivation, you might just have what it takes. Here are some tips to help you get started.

How To Produce Stunning Footage and Videos in Natural Light

Are you looking to improve your filmmaking skills or are you experimenting with stock photography? Well, you're in luck because shooting in natural light can be a game-changer in creating great video content. The best part is, you don't need to spend a ton of money on lighting equipment. All you need is your camera and some basic tips, and you're good to go.

Mirrorless and Phone Cameras for Video Creation

If you're a filmmaker or a video editor who is unsure about which camera to use for your next project, you're in the right place. In this short article, we'll take a closer look at the differences between mirrorless cameras and phone cameras so that you can make an informed decision.

Turn Your Passion for Photography into a Lucrative Side Hustle with Stock Photography

Are you interested in making some extra cash by sharing your love of photography with the world? Well, try stock photography (you can also try stock video into the bargain). Becoming a stock photographer is easier than you might think and can be profitable over time. Find below some practical tips from Shutterstock, one of the leading stock photography websites.

5 Pros and Cons of Shooting with a DSLR Camera in 2023

DSLR were the choice of beginner and pro photographers several years ago. Are they still valid in the age of mirrorless cameras and high-end smartphones? Let's lay out the pros and cons of DSLR cameras and see whether they are still valid in 2023.